You can now close the HW VSP application and verify, through the Windows Device Manager, that a new COM200 port is available on the system.Assign it the same IP address and port number as you specified in main.cpp (IP address and port number 10001). Proceed to the Virtual Serial Port tab and create a new virtual serial port (for example COM200). See Using HW VSP powered by HW group and download their HW VSP3 Virtual Serial Port for free. Create a virtual serial port on your PC as follows:.

Please notice that in case your serial device is using a regular RS-232 connection an additional "Serial TTL to regular RS-232 converter" is needed! Connect a serial device to the mbed's serial port.Connect the ENC28J60 module to your Ethernet network.Connect an ENC28J60 Ethernet module to the mbed board according to the pin assignment defined in main.cpp.Compile the program and save the binary to your mbed board.Binary data received from a client over the Ethernet is transmitted to the connected TTL serial device and in turn, data received from the serial device is sent back to the TCP/IP client via Ethernet. The server is listening for data coming from clients for example at IP Address, Port Number 10001 (adapt to your needs). To create a "TCP/IP to Serial Converter" an inexpensive ENC28J60 Ethernet module is connected to the mbed board and set-up as TCP/IP server. In turn, the response from the serial device is sent back to your PC by the "TCP/IP to Serial Converter" over Ethernet connection and the application can read through the virtual serial port without knowing that it actually arrived over Ethernet. The converter then sends the data received over Ethernet to the connected TTL serial device through serial connection. Serial data sent by an application running on your PC to your PC's virtual serial port (see below how to create one) is automatically transmitted through Ethernet LAN connection to a "TCP/IP to Serial Converter". You can considerably extend an existing serial connection without modifying the legacy serial communication software.Enables communication with TTL serial device over Ethernet LAN connection.